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Frequently Asked Questions
15 FAQs about BMH
1. Do you have specialists for the various clinics?Enter your answer here
2. Can I access medical services online?
3. Do you provide telemedicine/tele-consult services?
4. Do you provide home-based visits?
5. How do I pay for tele-consult services?Enter your answer here
6. Do you organise antenatal classes?Enter your answer here
7. Do you have single-occupancy rooms?Enter your answer here
8. What types of insurance do you accept?Enter your answer here
9. ​Is the laboratory open 24hours daily?Enter your answer here
10. Can family members visit me during my stay?Enter your answer here
11. What conditions do you treat for outpatients?Enter your answer here
12. How do I process as an outpatient for the first time?Enter your answer here
13. ​How do I make an Appointment?Enter your answer here
14. What do I cancel an Appointment?Enter your answer here
15. Can I choose my doctor when I visit?Enter your answer here
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